Awakening to Your Soul's Imperative
at the Clover Center for Arts and Spirituality
1101 Clover St., Rochester, NY
October 19, 2019
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Please register in advance
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you are here?
Each one of us has things we are here to do, lives we are meant to live, and lessons we are meant to learn and share. When we slow down and consciously take time to ask and connect, we can tap this inner wisdom… the wisdom of the soul that is longing to be expressed. The soul whispers to us, but we don’t always listen. Join me for this day of inquiry, exploration, and discovery and tap into what it is that your soul is calling you to at this time. Different imperatives arise at different times. Let’s sit with the one that’s here now and see what it wants you to know. What might happen if you dropped the stories of not worthy, not enough, and stepped into the divine energy flowing within you? Who would you become? What would you do? What impact would you have? |
Let’s lift the veil of illusion and look beneath the surface
of the human suit and mask and remember your innate goodness.
When you greet yourself with curiosity, compassion, gentleness, and loving kindness,
you will discover what nourishment your soul is desiring,
what wounds are ready to be healed,
what lessons have been learned,
and how each of these pieces might inform your next steps.
How might you be of service? Whose life are you here to touch?
This one-day retreat will offer you the opportunity to tap
into some of these questions and to discover your own answers
as to what might be next steps for you in this amazing journey of life!
Within you is a spark of divinity that is more powerful than you can imagine.
What is possible when you surrender to this?
“Your Soul knows the truth” ~ Denise Linn
of the human suit and mask and remember your innate goodness.
When you greet yourself with curiosity, compassion, gentleness, and loving kindness,
you will discover what nourishment your soul is desiring,
what wounds are ready to be healed,
what lessons have been learned,
and how each of these pieces might inform your next steps.
How might you be of service? Whose life are you here to touch?
This one-day retreat will offer you the opportunity to tap
into some of these questions and to discover your own answers
as to what might be next steps for you in this amazing journey of life!
Within you is a spark of divinity that is more powerful than you can imagine.
What is possible when you surrender to this?
“Your Soul knows the truth” ~ Denise Linn
Please bring:
a journal and pen,
dress comfortably in layers.
a journal and pen,
dress comfortably in layers.
Please register in advance
Tuition: $125
Questions about the retreat?
Please contact me.
I am happy to talk with you.
Tuition: $125
Questions about the retreat?
Please contact me.
I am happy to talk with you.