Such a beautiful way to enter the day – blissful, almost mystical. Beyond words. Before moving with intention to alleviate the ache in my hip, allowing myself to savor the relative silence. The silence within comforting and soothing my whole being. Feeling open…expansive… receptive. Ready to receive the unfolding of the day. Appreciative of this time before the happenings of the day, the week rush in on me.
Stillness – a solitary momentary sanctuary for the whole being – space for the soul to rest and abide. In this place there is nothing to figure out. Nothing to do. Only to BE. Deep peace, deep contentment wash over me as I feel alive, but gentle. Not activated.
Strong satisfaction here – I can take in and appreciate the beauty of our home, the sweetness of the space we have created. The serenity of this space. I breathe it in. I love this space. It reflects me. It holds and supports us well. I am content here. My soul is happy here. My creativity thrives here.
Today I simply receive this gift. And know that it is enough.
In the Stillness
In the stillness
the answers come,
truths are unearthed,
promises remembered.
In the stillness
prayers are answered,
hearts are restored,
dreams fostered,
visions captured.
In the stillness
the oneness becomes clear,
connection to self deepens,
universal threads intertwine.
In the stillness
the magic lies
waiting for you to visit
and reside here,
for however many moments.
© Barb Klein, 2016, from 111 Invitations: Step into the Full Richness of Life