For instance, I never imagined that I’d be going to Texas next week on a book tour with a book I never imagined I’d write. I knew I would write A book one day. In fact I had two others already started when I attended the workshop where this one emerged. I just never would have envisioned the one that actually came through me.
I also never imagined that out of my darkest days, the truest, strongest expression of myself would arise; that I would really come to discover and know myself through the toughest times of life. I would never have imagined how many people this is true for.
I never imagined that it would take a drop-down drag ‘em out fight with life to learn how vital self-care is. I never imagined that slowing down and really replenishing oneself would allow for more creativity than any amount of pushing or driving ever could.
I never imagined the teachers who would show up in my life – at just the right time (though why I didn’t imagine that I don’t know!). I never imagined the outpouring of love and support that is available. I also never imagined having friends and colleagues all over the globe.
I certainly never imagined I would one day be considered an “entrepreneur” and have a business doing work that I love, supporting other people to honor and express their authentic selves. And, yet here I am… working with people who find themselves in lives that they never imagined.
So, because I know that I don’t have any super powers that others don’t also possess, all I can figure out is that at some point I must have been able to begin to imagine what might be possible. All creation begins with a thought, and out of imagination, inspired action springs forth. It isn’t about striving or wishing for something.
As Thich Nhat Hanh says in You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment, “What you are looking for is already in you...You already are everything you are seeking.” When we realize this, it’s easier to settle into a space of noticing and being with what arises within us.
We get inklings all the time of things that want our attention or energy. We get little clues about work that wants us to step up to it. We have ideas that excite us. We get intuitive hits that something or someone is right for us. It’s as if there is an internal switchboard lighting up within us all the time – if only we are able to notice.
The question is – what do you do in those moments, with these lights? Do you say, No way… not me! or I can’t take this on - surely this must be for someone else? Or do you take a step along the path, daring to dream, that maybe, just maybe this might be the thing for you? Do you trust to reach out to the person you’re feeling drawn to? How do you discern what to do in this moment?
What’s calling to you right now that you might really like to pursue? Do you have the energy and resources to go for it? What might you dare to imagine and where might it take you? I imagine you considering your possibilities.
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