One too familiar tone can begin the spin of “here we go again.” One breath can re-ground and remind us we don’t have to go there. We don’t know what the future holds.
One choice or decision can change the trajectory of a life, for better or for worse.
One birth and a world changes forever with the infusion of new life, new hopes, new dreams. Who is this little person and what will they bring?
One death changes everything in a heartbeat. The profound grief sweeps in accompanied by a strong cry to live. To somehow honor this life that is gone. To make meaning out of the meaningless.
One small smile and conversation can lead to a lifelong friendship.
One connection leads to the next, to an introduction to another. One vulnerable conversation invites others to share what they otherwise might have held close.
One “yes” can open doors to possibility.
One breath can bring me back to ground, calm a racing heart, offer the pause I need to find a fresh perspective. Open my mind to consider what I otherwise might have missed.
One label changes nothing, yet sometimes feels like it changes everything. Does it change who a person is? No. But, can it limit options? Yes. Can it open doors? Possibly. We do not know.
Our lives our made up of so many “ones” linked together. Each moment offering opportunity and invitation. These moments matter because they come together to create the tapestry of your life.
One stranger lending a hand might turn a life around. One trustworthy person who listens with an open heart. One person who sees something you yourself cannot – who lends their hope, belief and vision to you as you find your way.
One tear can open the floodgates, releasing a necessary and cleansing release. One tissue is not enough.
One smile or hug can soften my heart, soften my day. One shared breath can open a portal to hope.
One thought (if you catch it) leads to a screenplay, a blog, the next NYT bestseller, a sweet love letter. If you say “yes.”
One more thing coming at you can feel like an avalanche of overwhelm. Letting go of one thing or even taking one step back may lighten your load.
One dollar. One dream. Perhaps another ticket in the recycling bin (most likely, but c’mon, sometimes you gotta try!). Perhaps an epic opportunity to shower good upon the world.
I have always said (and truly believed) that if my book touched just one life, it would be enough. I am glad and grateful for every one reader who lets me know it has.
One keystroke. One “send” can open or close a door. One enrollment – one program – one retreat can alter the way you live your life, the way you see things, who is part of your world.
One step to set your soul free. To listen to the inner call that says, “Go for it! What have you got to lose?” One step to light your inner flame and to let yourself be more you. These are the steps I long to take more and more of in my days.
Sometimes it only takes one.
One person makes a difference – just by showing up as they are.
One moment can change a life, for better or for worse.
We only need to face this one, right here, right now. The one that is before us. Just this one. It’s enough. We don’t have to know how the story will end. Because we can’t. So, as always, I invite myself into this moment. The one right here, right now. The one that is guaranteed – not the flimsy one that may or may not ever come to be. “Start close in” as David Whyte says in his beautiful invitation. Right here. Right now.
One moment at a time. That’s all you need to do to move through your day. Breathe into the spaciousness and possibility of the many moments that exist within these 24 hours. If you can be present to each moment, be with the people you are with, I promise you it will be richer and you will be wiser and more fulfilled from having been here. Just breathe. Take it slow. Take it steady. Just one. One moment. One breath. One smile. One shriek. One gaze. One person at a time. Be with that.
What one’s are you noticing these days, for better or worse? What’s one thing you can do that will comfort or nourish you today?