In the past week in my very small circle of awareness:
- a baby enters the world in timing that is considered “too early”
- a young girl, barely into her teens takes her own life, far too soon, robbing herself of any possible tomorrows or a better future
- an older teen learns to feel the pain of a friend who’s lost his sibling and finds a little more love and appreciation in his heart for his own family
- a young man loses touch with his worth and steps back on the path of self-sabotage, numbing the pain in the only way he knows
- a great man who has humbly walked among us asking “How may I serve?” leaves his body prematurely and joins the angelic realm
- a mother mourns the unimaginable loss of a murdered child and begins her own long, tenuous, and tortuous healing journey
- A mother loses herself briefly, drowning in her child’s pain, and then finds herself again, remembering her strength, purpose and passion that goes beyond parenting. She shows up to life once again, ready to create and be all that she was born to be, all that she can be.
Most of this is happening only in my periphery, and yet it touches my heart and wakes up my soul. I am left to remember that none of this is for me to judge, question, or change, but only to be with.To trust. To love.To forgive. To find compassion even when it feels impossible. It’s been quite a powerful week…
Everywhere in every moment, this cycle of life rolls on… birth, death, re-birth. We cannot control it, no matter how hard we try. We cannot stop it. We may never understand it or be ok with it. But, we can miss a lot if we keep on trying to fix, figure out, and control stuff that is not ours.
What we can do is commit to ourselves to stand for life – today we commit to show up to the world as the most authentic version of ourselves in every moment. For when we show up in truth and authenticity, grace follows. As we release the struggle and resistance to what “should not be,” we free ourselves and open to broader perspective and new possibility. How might you show up today? What do you stand for? Where can you let go a little and free yourself in the process?