Recently I’ve been reflecting on the amazing and wonderful people I have in my life… friends, business colleagues, healers, coaches, teachers, counselors, healers, and clients. Which caused me to think back even further. Who brought us together? At one moment there was something magical and mystical that happened and I became connected to these people!
Thankfully, we do not live in this world in isolation! Without these powerful connectors who somehow brought these people to me, who knows where I’d be? I am so very grateful for those moments of serendipity and synchronicities where bonds were formed and friendships made that might not otherwise ever come to be.
Like this magnificent Banyan tree, together we grow strong and remain deeply rooted and connected to one another. I intend to reach out and thank those people (the ones I can remember) who somehow brought me together with the people who matter so much in my world today.
I invite you to do the same! Who introduced you to your best friend or spouse? Who brought you your first client? Who told you about the most amazing massage therapist? Who shared the name of a person who could support you and your child? Take just a minute and give them a call, shoot them a text, or write them a note to let them know what a difference this has made in your life.
Gratitude! It’s a simple and under-utilized super power!
I am grateful for you and that somehow you found your way into this community.
If you are a mom who has been impacted by your son or daughter's addiction or other mental health condition who is longing for some connection with other moms who've been there too, please join us for a special renewal retreat this coming weekend! Starting the Year with Serenity begins on Friday and there are 2 spots left!