My question in this #AtoZchallenge is about excitement and it came to me when I was walking along the beach watching kids being kids! Why is it ok for kids to scream, jump, play, roughhouse and act all sorts of crazy but not for adults? How is it that somewhere along the way we learned that adults don’t do that – that we need to be refined, quiet, proper?
Did you learn this too? Or is it just me?
I’m working on letting my playful self free more often and not worrying as much, but this conditioning can be hard to unlearn. Something to notice and an opportunity for growth.
Why do we hold back our excitement in life, not daring to let it out or even feel it sometimes?
"To be more childlike, you don't have to give up being an adult. The fully integrated person is capable of being both an adult and a child simultaneously. Recapture the childlike feelings of wide-eyed excitement, spontaneous appreciation, cutting loose, and being full of awe and wonder at this magnificent universe." - Wayne Dyer
Thank you, Wayne! I have always appreciated the way you look at life and help me to find a fresh perspective!
Exploration – what thoughts and questions are you exploring these days? What new ways of being are you trying out? How is the energy of exploring different from “working on?”
Examine – Have any of the posts you’ve read in the A to Z challenge (here or elsewhere) raised any beliefs, ideas, or ways of thinking or being that you want to examine in your own life? What stands out to you?
And why don’t I have more to say about these topics??
Extra credit and appreciation for you if you take a minute to enrich our lives by sharing in the comments!