I have news for you… and, this might come as a shock, but you are NOT the Energizer Bunny®! No, you are not a mass of fuzziness wearing cool shades, banging aimlessly on a drum while spinning and whirling recklessly around the house.
Sure, you may feel that way from time to time, but it’s not the truth. And, this whole idea of “Keep going” is doing you no good!
There is no battery in you that can go and go and go for thousands of hours without stop. You are not a mechanical being – you are a tender human BEing who needs rest and nourishment, fun, laughter, and play.
I thought this might be a good time to remind you as the hustle and bustle of the holidays piles on top of the media assault on our senses. In the midst of all this bombardment is a sweet (and, yes, very strong, but not invincible) YOU!
You – the one who is so good at giving to others, doing for others, taking on the world… you are the one they seek now with endless requests and demands for your precious time, energy, and resources. Please give more. Please give to me. Please take care of me and my needs. Please speak up for this cause. Please donate over here. Please, please, please… You hear it ringing in your ears, even when you sleep!
And, so you give. And you give as if there is a bottomless reservoir from which to pour. You forget to step back and take even just a little time to replenish your beautiful self. The spark will burn out – maybe it already has, and you’re feeling strung out, burned out, and just a wee bit overwhelmed. Maybe you’re just plain tired.
“But, but, but… “ you protest because you have so many goals to achieve before the year is done; so many gifts to buy; so many causes to support; so many cookies to bake; so many cards to write; so many parties to attend… You know the drill!
Can you just give yourself a break from all the DOing and sink into your BEing-ness? Can you slow down for just a minute, take a breath, and check in to see what would really nourish you? Cause, guess what? It’s not cheese puffs, beer, and pumpkin pie that are going to sustain you!! I’ve tried that, and it is not cutting it!!
What can you do to give to yourself in this busy time? Do you even hear your own voice calling to you amidst all the noise? What would truly nurture your body, mind, heart, and soul right now? Today? It can be very simple, but first you have to stop. Stop everything else. Quiet the outside racket, and listen to your body. Listen to your heart. Close your eyes. Put your hand on your heart or your belly. Breathe. And, ask your heart, body, and spirit...
~ What do they need from you in this moment? Today?
Other great guiding questions are:
~ What is most important or what really matters? (is it a getting a tree right now at all costs, or is it more important that we do this as a family at a time when we can all do it with joy?)
~ What will bring me joy?
~ What would be life-enriching for me?
And, then choose just one simple step to take that will really honor your beautiful self. And, then do it again later today, and tomorrow until this becomes a practice that is a natural part of your life!
It could be as simple as stepping outside and getting some fresh air, moving in a way that truly brings you joy, eating food that fills your body with nourishment and sustenance, connecting with someone who lifts you up and makes you laugh, checking out and taking yourself to a movie mid-day, taking a short horizontal break, getting to a yoga or kick your butt and sweat like crazy class, sitting with your sweet pet and soaking in their love while letting their warmth soothe you, reading a novel, writing a poem, singing a song and dancing with total abandon…
What ideas come to you when you really take the time to ask? Please share them below so that we can add to our own bucket of resources.
Every single one of us needs and deserves this time for self-nurturing and rejuvenation!